Monday, February 09, 2009

Starting Over

I've realized that blogging about my life was pretty boring, I really don't do too many exciting things.  I also don't write very well.  So I decided to blow up the old gootblog and start over with something that I do well.

What is it that I do well?  I am good at surfing the internet and finding stuff for people.  So that is what the blog will be about.  I'm going to post my daily travels through the internet.  My twitter feed and google reader feed will be on the left so you can stalk what I am doing.  This will also be my testing ground for the stuff latest and greatest stuff I have been reading about. If I actually do something fun and interesting not internet related, I'll post that too.

What me to try and find something for you or figure out how the best way to do something? Send a message to and I'll do my best to try and figure it out.  I'm also open to suggestions for good sites to read.

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